Thursday, January 31, 2008

God Created Brothers

God created brothers

to b there our whole live though,

To care about our TROUBLES,

2 share our SECRETS, too...

God knew sometimes

they'd make us SMILE,

Sometimes they's make us frown,

But v could always COUNT ON brothers

when the chips were down...

They may b pals,... or pranksters

whose TEASING never ends...

They may be though, but underneath,

they're still our WARMEST friends...

And when they lend a HAND, they say,

"that's what a BROTHER'S for...!!"

That's why a brother's GREAT to have

and couldn't be LOVED more!

And so to all my BROTHER'S,

Thank you 4 LIGHT UP my day,

for been my BEST friend...

I hope i had done the samethings to u too!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good Bye My Fren's

It h@D bEen 1 wEek ,
whiCh is 7 daYS,
cOuNteD aS 168 HoURs,
OSo aS 10080 mIn,
n FiNaLLy 604800 sec,
I BeeN Fat MouiNG in m'sIA ....
iT's AlL HapPEn BeCAuSE Of jAson cHUa
HaD lEfT uS n bAcK 2 aUs...
GoNnA KilL U maN , sERiOuSLy
CAuse Of U i'm So BoR IN m'Sia....
AnY wAy, THAt's nOt My MEAn pOinT 4 Now,
i'M HeRE nOw jUSt 2 Say A EARlIer GuD bYE
2 aLL mY fRENs ...
CAuSe i'm LeAVINg SoON toO ...
gOnNA mIss sOMe OF Ya BaDLY...
HoPE I wOn GeT bOrInG wEN i'M tHERe
WiThoUT u guyS...
AIyO... dUnNO wAT 2 Say D,
So aS UsuaL
saYoNaRA , JaNEh,
Bye bYE n C ya !!!