Tuesday, November 18, 2008

nEw ColLecTiOn



LadIEs ...N... GeNtlEmen...

m@y i pREseNt 2 U

mY vEry LaTest ColLecTiOn......
























& l@stLy...


Sunday, October 19, 2008


latest design one whole collection

will b updated "SOON"!!!!

so wait n check out ya....


soon ...

really soon....

don't 4get is soon.....


Thursday, April 10, 2008

my art work so far...

16 December 2007

16 October 2006

SPM Trial

15 October 2006

14 August 2006

25 January 2007

27 February 2007

Monday, March 17, 2008

my drawing....

just started that day,

50% done
niCe ma,
my latest drawing???
long time never draw...
so not really use to it,
pai se, pai se,

n to my friend :
i have no more car to drive now,
father took de car d
so sorry 4 not gonna see u all ,
or reply u all lately....

Gonna hilang from u guys
started from today

Saturday, March 01, 2008

i'm a free man!!!


i'm free finally...

free from work,

free from office politics,

free from poking n getting poked by people,

free form everything,

i'm a free man now...

wakaka .... XD

I had resign n free now....

n i'm planing 4 a new look of mine


wait n c ya....

so b4 that i think i'll make myself "HILANG" for sometimes....

dun think anyone will c me during that time...

so c ya soon...!!!


Thursday, February 28, 2008

my latest drawing(haven't finish one)

long time never draw d ar.....
dunno how 2 train back like b4....

now wanna draw something in A4 size
oso need 2 take 2,3 days only can finish.

now latest draw is a falling angle...
but it looks sucks 2 me...
somemore i use 2 hour d only finish
a little bit of that....

dunno when only can back 2 last time speed....???
wat u think bout my latest drawing,
it's cal "the falling one"
haven't finish oso haha....
but need some comment bout it....

if not nice den i dun 1 continue drawing it lo....
waste my time...


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm bACk 2 WOrK.... FinalLY

i'M BacK 2 WOrK... FiNAlly....


nO NeEd "FaT mOu" aT hOme d....

HeaR dE stUpID bOSs sINginG agAIn....



bUt nVm bETTer deN sTAY at HomE!!!



DUnnO WaT 2 Type D......

hAHa .... XD....

WoNder hOW's lAwreNce hANds....

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Very UNLUCKY Day Of Mine

5 Jan 2008

2 day is my unlucky n "BENGAN" day....Y??

It's being with me spend 40 bucks in starbucks 2 day just wanna go there relax n on 9 ....

After bought things, though can sit down on 9 d,

cc the line can not conect, may b cause too many ppl gua.....


so i try there 4 around 2 hours, stil can not get...


Den i really "bengan" d, so though 1 2 go home lo...

n just b4 i reach jusco door,
i saw small fish... haha... partner...lolz...

so "teman" her eat dinner... den poh yi cal up(lucky she cal)
say need some 1 2 fetch her...

so i go fetch her home den can on 9 there d...

7 Jan 2008

The very un lucky days continue.....

1st day of CNY...

I nv slip the whole night n i'm with 234 til bout 3 am only i went home...

Den do my stuff till 5/6 am...

though wanna slip but feel like skating... cause long time nv skate...

So i change n go skate at 6 something reach city park bout 7am....

De moment came out from car only...DAMN....

"Sakit Perut"

So no choice.. go toilet 1st...

n after my business done my pants "KENA WATER"pula...

kena BEHIND somemore lolz....

so i guess those ppl who saw sure laugh... even they nv show me they laugh but sure.. in heart..

Den i change my skate shoe ... start skating..

After few round i stop lo...den sit at de chair 2 take a reast 1st....

n guess wat ... i sit on a bird shit.....lolz!!!!!!!!!

n KENA my pants AGAIN....


but lucky 4 me i meet new skate frens that day....

So back 2 story, I skate till 10 something, though can go home take ang pau after that...

Cc wen i reach home every one stil slip like pig...lolz...

So i slip oso lo, haiz.... slip only, i wake up at 5pm...OMG...

NVM... i go out from mine room... get ang pau oso...

BUT!!!!! my parents nv give me!!!!!!!!!(thats de most important ang pau, 400 inside)

father say no $$, mother say i work d no need give...baga!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Den at de same day at night, my father say de fella dun 1 new worker d....lol...

My singapore plan...all gone...

Damn.... y these year CNY so sucks....

GOD!!!!! have mercy pls.....

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

SESAT club 7

31 Jan 2008
dunno wat time in midnight
place : TAR VILLA(Thomas plc)
things happen : chating with angie(a.k.a. wan chean) on msn n i get 1 name 4 later skating group...
s club 7(sesat club 7)...

31 Jan 2008
2 something in de afternoon.
place : Sunway piramid (Ice skating)
After pay 4 ticket den v went in....

ATTENTION : Sesat Things Started Happen
Name : Thomas
Age : 19
Height : 170cm
Weight : 55 kg
Blood type : A Positive
Story : thomas saw 1 very familia girl. SO he look at ppl face all de time, but can tel how's that...
Den the girl oso do de same thing
(Just 4 Ur Notice ,They Actually Look At Each Other Quite Long)
Finally de girl can not tahan, she look at him direct in de eyes n ask" R U THOMAS from wat wat
wat school....." "'=_=...lolz... den only de fella know is his ex sch frens last time.

Name : 234
Age : 19
Height : 170cm
Weight : 60kg
Special Ability : Noob
Story : after Thomas with de girl thing, v went 2 de counter 2 take our own skate shoe, den ofcourse
v wear it. But there is a noob sesat there waiting 4 us 2 wear 4 him, becuse
After that v went in 2 skate, pk, stand, pk again, n more pk.....
haha....till 5 something... v went 4 dinner...
guy go 1 side, girl go 1 side...

7 something after dinner :
V decided 2 go home..SESAT THINGS HAPPEN AGAIN...
3 guys walk to de left(where the door is), 2 girl go right(sesat), den the others 2 dunno follow which 1, so walk middle....

8 minutes later, at the bus stop...
OMG...a lot ppl waiting bus there oso....

Name : Jackie oso know as Sesat Queen
Age : 17
Special Ability : Sesat, Hyperactive 4 no reason.
Strory : as usual, our sesat queen not feeling well after dinner... 1 2 vomit again... Nvm, so v wait bus there 4 around 30 minutes... all de bus past by oso all full... can't go in.. Finally... v saw the bus v 1 from fall... it not full,,, yahoo!!!! So just 2 make sure, Thomas went up n ask de driver ... Result?? as usual V SESAT AGAIN!!! lolz...
V surpose 2 wait 4 our bus at the other side of the road... Nvm, so v walk over. Den wait 4 another 30 - 40 minutes ..... No bus AGAIN...

About 9 pm now...
Bus, bus,bus, de bus coming finally...
So all hand out 2 stop de bus..... WAIT A MINUTES.... Something not right, the bus went 2 third lane.... lol.... Den only v realize v SESAT AGAIN... the bus stop is 4/500 meters frome there... So v walk over lo(by that time our sesat queen ok d, no more sick... hyper time)
3 sesat girl sit at the bus stop n start singing(that time got around 10 ppl there oso), den al de ppl look at them... OMG...I'm so "pai se"...Ei... ade nv sit down 2 join them wo... so 1 ask her wat happen.... And guess wat , she look at me... she SING...lolz.. mayb disconected just now....
Finally the bus come...
V went in, no plc 2 sit, so v stand lo... after 2,3 stop, there is 3/4 plc behind,so v go n hav a sit lo... ATTENTION : Angie, jackie,christine stil standing somewhere in de middle of de bus.. ade sitting there oso .

Den the bus stop again.. few oversea ppl(should b Iran gua) with 1 small kinds around 10 years old came in...

The Last N' Most Sesat Things Happen Begin...
TITLE : Jackie the hyper VS 2 Iran sesat aunty...
Iran : Do u know korea?
Jackie : Yes, i know.
Iran : (Dunno wat she said, korean gua)...wat does it means?
Jackie dun understand n blur!!! but hyperactive...
The Following Talk All In Chinese
Jackie : (loudly)zhan fai ...how r u there?
"For ur notice i'm siting far far behind... so "pai se''... but i answer oso...
Me : ok, y u so happy?
Jackie : The few aunty sesat, talking 2 me. I dun understand wat they say oso... like chicken talk
2 ducks...

Suddenly, the Iran boy laugh 4 no reason but really loud..

Jackie : (loud)Wa... he laugh louder den me le...

Den dunno wat the Iran ppl say amount themself... n laugh...laugh again louder somemore...
Den de sesat aunty talk 2 jackie again but not use english...lolz...

Jackie :(loud)... WAN GAT DE(means sesat ke), i oso dunno wat u said... SIEW PI AR(means laugh ur head)

Den jackie took out de phone do video record....
Bus stop... ppl went down.. so got plc 2 sit... all sited down d.. finally... peace in bus...

around 10 something pm
Bus reach midvalley, v though it'll finally end, cause jackie they all going down here...
OMG... not again... de Iran ppl go down de same stop oso...hahaha...lolz... luckly i'm not going home with them.....me n thomas went back 2 wangsa...
Finally, our very sesat day end....

Friday, February 01, 2008

Thanks My Friend's

IsN't iT FunNY,

hOW sOmE sPeci@L pEoplE

dON't ReaLIzE THey Are SpeCiAL aT alL ?

TheY'Re tHOugHTfuL

wiTHoUT evEN thINkiNG abOUt It.

ThEY're AlwAyS riGHt THeRE

wHen YoU CaL...

tHey sHaRE, nOT eXPEctIng

A thINg IN rETuRN.

yEt aLwAys SeEM rIcHer

FoR gIviNG...

iSN'T it lOveLY ?

HoW SpEcIal pEoplE

cAN tEACh uS

sO mucH AbOut LivING!

2 mE,

YoU GuYS ArE OnE Of thoSE

spEciAL PeoPLe.

tHAnkS 2 bE thERE 4 me,

n' MosT OF alL...

Th@nKS For BEen My FrIeNd's.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

God Created Brothers

God created brothers

to b there our whole live though,

To care about our TROUBLES,

2 share our SECRETS, too...

God knew sometimes

they'd make us SMILE,

Sometimes they's make us frown,

But v could always COUNT ON brothers

when the chips were down...

They may b pals,... or pranksters

whose TEASING never ends...

They may be though, but underneath,

they're still our WARMEST friends...

And when they lend a HAND, they say,

"that's what a BROTHER'S for...!!"

That's why a brother's GREAT to have

and couldn't be LOVED more!

And so to all my BROTHER'S,

Thank you 4 LIGHT UP my day,

for been my BEST friend...

I hope i had done the samethings to u too!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Good Bye My Fren's

It h@D bEen 1 wEek ,
whiCh is 7 daYS,
cOuNteD aS 168 HoURs,
OSo aS 10080 mIn,
n FiNaLLy 604800 sec,
I BeeN Fat MouiNG in m'sIA ....
iT's AlL HapPEn BeCAuSE Of jAson cHUa
HaD lEfT uS n bAcK 2 aUs...
GoNnA KilL U maN , sERiOuSLy
CAuse Of U i'm So BoR IN m'Sia....
AnY wAy, THAt's nOt My MEAn pOinT 4 Now,
i'M HeRE nOw jUSt 2 Say A EARlIer GuD bYE
2 aLL mY fRENs ...
CAuSe i'm LeAVINg SoON toO ...
gOnNA mIss sOMe OF Ya BaDLY...
HoPE I wOn GeT bOrInG wEN i'M tHERe
WiThoUT u guyS...
AIyO... dUnNO wAT 2 Say D,
So aS UsuaL
saYoNaRA , JaNEh,
Bye bYE n C ya !!!