LadIEs ...N... GeNtlEmen...
m@y i pREseNt 2 U
mY vEry LaTest ColLecTiOn......
IsN't iT FunNY,
hOW sOmE sPeci@L pEoplE
dON't ReaLIzE THey Are SpeCiAL aT alL ?
TheY'Re tHOugHTfuL
wiTHoUT evEN thINkiNG abOUt It.
ThEY're AlwAyS riGHt THeRE
wHen YoU CaL...
tHey sHaRE, nOT eXPEctIng
A thINg IN rETuRN.
yEt aLwAys SeEM rIcHer
FoR gIviNG...
iSN'T it lOveLY ?
HoW SpEcIal pEoplE
cAN tEACh uS
sO mucH AbOut LivING!
2 mE,
YoU GuYS ArE OnE Of thoSE
spEciAL PeoPLe.
tHAnkS 2 bE thERE 4 me,
n' MosT OF alL...
Th@nKS For BEen My FrIeNd's.
God created brothers
to b there our whole live though,
To care about our TROUBLES,
2 share our SECRETS, too...
God knew sometimes
they'd make us SMILE,
Sometimes they's make us frown,
But v could always COUNT ON brothers
when the chips were down...
They may b pals,... or pranksters
whose TEASING never ends...
They may be though, but underneath,
they're still our WARMEST friends...
And when they lend a HAND, they say,
"that's what a BROTHER'S for...!!"
That's why a brother's GREAT to have
and couldn't be LOVED more!
And so to all my BROTHER'S,
Thank you 4 LIGHT UP my day,
for been my BEST friend...
I hope i had done the samethings to u too!