Thursday, February 28, 2008

my latest drawing(haven't finish one)

long time never draw d ar.....
dunno how 2 train back like b4....

now wanna draw something in A4 size
oso need 2 take 2,3 days only can finish.

now latest draw is a falling angle...
but it looks sucks 2 me...
somemore i use 2 hour d only finish
a little bit of that....

dunno when only can back 2 last time speed....???
wat u think bout my latest drawing,
it's cal "the falling one"
haven't finish oso haha....
but need some comment bout it....

if not nice den i dun 1 continue drawing it lo....
waste my time...


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm bACk 2 WOrK.... FinalLY

i'M BacK 2 WOrK... FiNAlly....


nO NeEd "FaT mOu" aT hOme d....

HeaR dE stUpID bOSs sINginG agAIn....



bUt nVm bETTer deN sTAY at HomE!!!



DUnnO WaT 2 Type D......

hAHa .... XD....

WoNder hOW's lAwreNce hANds....

Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Very UNLUCKY Day Of Mine

5 Jan 2008

2 day is my unlucky n "BENGAN" day....Y??

It's being with me spend 40 bucks in starbucks 2 day just wanna go there relax n on 9 ....

After bought things, though can sit down on 9 d,

cc the line can not conect, may b cause too many ppl gua.....


so i try there 4 around 2 hours, stil can not get...


Den i really "bengan" d, so though 1 2 go home lo...

n just b4 i reach jusco door,
i saw small fish... haha... partner...lolz...

so "teman" her eat dinner... den poh yi cal up(lucky she cal)
say need some 1 2 fetch her...

so i go fetch her home den can on 9 there d...

7 Jan 2008

The very un lucky days continue.....

1st day of CNY...

I nv slip the whole night n i'm with 234 til bout 3 am only i went home...

Den do my stuff till 5/6 am...

though wanna slip but feel like skating... cause long time nv skate...

So i change n go skate at 6 something reach city park bout 7am....

De moment came out from car only...DAMN....

"Sakit Perut"

So no choice.. go toilet 1st...

n after my business done my pants "KENA WATER"pula...

kena BEHIND somemore lolz....

so i guess those ppl who saw sure laugh... even they nv show me they laugh but sure.. in heart..

Den i change my skate shoe ... start skating..

After few round i stop lo...den sit at de chair 2 take a reast 1st....

n guess wat ... i sit on a bird shit.....lolz!!!!!!!!!

n KENA my pants AGAIN....


but lucky 4 me i meet new skate frens that day....

So back 2 story, I skate till 10 something, though can go home take ang pau after that...

Cc wen i reach home every one stil slip like pig...lolz...

So i slip oso lo, haiz.... slip only, i wake up at 5pm...OMG...

NVM... i go out from mine room... get ang pau oso...

BUT!!!!! my parents nv give me!!!!!!!!!(thats de most important ang pau, 400 inside)

father say no $$, mother say i work d no need give...baga!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Den at de same day at night, my father say de fella dun 1 new worker

My singapore plan...all gone...

Damn.... y these year CNY so sucks....

GOD!!!!! have mercy pls.....

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

SESAT club 7

31 Jan 2008
dunno wat time in midnight
place : TAR VILLA(Thomas plc)
things happen : chating with angie(a.k.a. wan chean) on msn n i get 1 name 4 later skating group...
s club 7(sesat club 7)...

31 Jan 2008
2 something in de afternoon.
place : Sunway piramid (Ice skating)
After pay 4 ticket den v went in....

ATTENTION : Sesat Things Started Happen
Name : Thomas
Age : 19
Height : 170cm
Weight : 55 kg
Blood type : A Positive
Story : thomas saw 1 very familia girl. SO he look at ppl face all de time, but can tel how's that...
Den the girl oso do de same thing
(Just 4 Ur Notice ,They Actually Look At Each Other Quite Long)
Finally de girl can not tahan, she look at him direct in de eyes n ask" R U THOMAS from wat wat
wat school....." "'=_=...lolz... den only de fella know is his ex sch frens last time.

Name : 234
Age : 19
Height : 170cm
Weight : 60kg
Special Ability : Noob
Story : after Thomas with de girl thing, v went 2 de counter 2 take our own skate shoe, den ofcourse
v wear it. But there is a noob sesat there waiting 4 us 2 wear 4 him, becuse
After that v went in 2 skate, pk, stand, pk again, n more pk.....
haha....till 5 something... v went 4 dinner...
guy go 1 side, girl go 1 side...

7 something after dinner :
V decided 2 go home..SESAT THINGS HAPPEN AGAIN...
3 guys walk to de left(where the door is), 2 girl go right(sesat), den the others 2 dunno follow which 1, so walk middle....

8 minutes later, at the bus stop...
OMG...a lot ppl waiting bus there oso....

Name : Jackie oso know as Sesat Queen
Age : 17
Special Ability : Sesat, Hyperactive 4 no reason.
Strory : as usual, our sesat queen not feeling well after dinner... 1 2 vomit again... Nvm, so v wait bus there 4 around 30 minutes... all de bus past by oso all full... can't go in.. Finally... v saw the bus v 1 from fall... it not full,,, yahoo!!!! So just 2 make sure, Thomas went up n ask de driver ... Result?? as usual V SESAT AGAIN!!! lolz...
V surpose 2 wait 4 our bus at the other side of the road... Nvm, so v walk over. Den wait 4 another 30 - 40 minutes ..... No bus AGAIN...

About 9 pm now...
Bus, bus,bus, de bus coming finally...
So all hand out 2 stop de bus..... WAIT A MINUTES.... Something not right, the bus went 2 third lane.... lol.... Den only v realize v SESAT AGAIN... the bus stop is 4/500 meters frome there... So v walk over lo(by that time our sesat queen ok d, no more sick... hyper time)
3 sesat girl sit at the bus stop n start singing(that time got around 10 ppl there oso), den al de ppl look at them... OMG...I'm so "pai se"...Ei... ade nv sit down 2 join them wo... so 1 ask her wat happen.... And guess wat , she look at me... she SING...lolz.. mayb disconected just now....
Finally the bus come...
V went in, no plc 2 sit, so v stand lo... after 2,3 stop, there is 3/4 plc behind,so v go n hav a sit lo... ATTENTION : Angie, jackie,christine stil standing somewhere in de middle of de bus.. ade sitting there oso .

Den the bus stop again.. few oversea ppl(should b Iran gua) with 1 small kinds around 10 years old came in...

The Last N' Most Sesat Things Happen Begin...
TITLE : Jackie the hyper VS 2 Iran sesat aunty...
Iran : Do u know korea?
Jackie : Yes, i know.
Iran : (Dunno wat she said, korean gua)...wat does it means?
Jackie dun understand n blur!!! but hyperactive...
The Following Talk All In Chinese
Jackie : (loudly)zhan fai r u there?
"For ur notice i'm siting far far behind... so "pai se''... but i answer oso...
Me : ok, y u so happy?
Jackie : The few aunty sesat, talking 2 me. I dun understand wat they say oso... like chicken talk
2 ducks...

Suddenly, the Iran boy laugh 4 no reason but really loud..

Jackie : (loud)Wa... he laugh louder den me le...

Den dunno wat the Iran ppl say amount themself... n laugh...laugh again louder somemore...
Den de sesat aunty talk 2 jackie again but not use english...lolz...

Jackie :(loud)... WAN GAT DE(means sesat ke), i oso dunno wat u said... SIEW PI AR(means laugh ur head)

Den jackie took out de phone do video record....
Bus stop... ppl went down.. so got plc 2 sit... all sited down d.. finally... peace in bus...

around 10 something pm
Bus reach midvalley, v though it'll finally end, cause jackie they all going down here...
OMG... not again... de Iran ppl go down de same stop oso...hahaha...lolz... luckly i'm not going home with n thomas went back 2 wangsa...
Finally, our very sesat day end....

Friday, February 01, 2008

Thanks My Friend's

IsN't iT FunNY,

hOW sOmE sPeci@L pEoplE

dON't ReaLIzE THey Are SpeCiAL aT alL ?

TheY'Re tHOugHTfuL

wiTHoUT evEN thINkiNG abOUt It.

ThEY're AlwAyS riGHt THeRE

wHen YoU CaL...

tHey sHaRE, nOT eXPEctIng

A thINg IN rETuRN.

yEt aLwAys SeEM rIcHer

FoR gIviNG...

iSN'T it lOveLY ?

HoW SpEcIal pEoplE

cAN tEACh uS

sO mucH AbOut LivING!

2 mE,

YoU GuYS ArE OnE Of thoSE

spEciAL PeoPLe.

tHAnkS 2 bE thERE 4 me,

n' MosT OF alL...

Th@nKS For BEen My FrIeNd's.