Wednesday, January 21, 2009

cny shop

19 jan 2009
just niCe 1 weEk b4 cNy...

go Gai g@i wiTh fren's at pAvillIOn

n' i bOught sOme StuFF such As...

Hugo Boss
(Is a limited edition),
so niCe,
like de bottle...

Den, at de same time,
i bOught...

It's all fRo m SaSa

after that,
went 2 PadiNi n i BougHt

right after that,
i bought this from nike

suCh a cUte cOw...
n' it's pack inside

KawaiI Neh....

n lAstly,
weNt 2 "BINTANG DUIT"...

hehe =)

n total spending 4 one whole day...
only cause me around RM1k

well i ThinK tHAT's all,

duNnO WaT elSe to wRitE...
c ya...


Gwennie said...

LOL. Dude - spend a lot of money HOR :p

patrick said...

no really la....
cause i nv by anything 4 myself on my birthday,den salary oso added d, n now some more added...
so must some how by something 4 myself as a gift or something ma....
work hard , n enjoy later ma...
somemore i didn't bring much cash that day... if not!!!!!
i think i'll spend 2k++ 4 that day..
lucky i know myself well, so i only bring bout 1k cash...haha...